According to the RAC, there are a lot of concerned motorists and the issue is the brightness of car headlights. 2000 people took part in the recent survey and a whopping 89% believed that some car headlights are too bright. 91% stated they had experienced glare and 74% stated that it happened regularly. The impact of glare can be significant with drivers reporting that it has forced them to slow down considerably until the glare has passed which poses a serious risk of an accident on our roads.

As a result, the TRL has announced that they will be assessing driving conditions to try to identify the factors that cause headlight glare. The research project will consider a number of different factors that include surrounding vehicles, weather conditions and ambient lighting to help develop a good understanding of the circumstances that may lead to a higher brightness level and glare.

The RAC claim their own research shows a significant number of motorists struggle with dazzle with some people reducing how much they drive or even giving up driving at night altogether. So understanding what’s causing these problems, and what can be done to improve driving conditions will be a huge step forward for drivers.

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