10% Road Deaths Increase
10% Road Deaths Increase
At Lodge Automotive, we were saddened to hear that road deaths have risen by 10% over the last year and that they are now back to pre-Covid levels. What is even more shocking is that one fifth of the casualties were not wearing their seatbelts. It has also been reported that cases of drivers who were on drugs had reached 1,000 for the first time ever. The data revealed that the highest number of deaths involved car users, followed by heavy goods vehicles, light goods vehicles and motorbikes. It was reported that the 3 main contributory factors were a loss of control of the vehicle, not looking properly and lastly, reckless driving.
In response to this report, there is a call for the government to reintroduce casualty reduction targets which were scrapped in 2010. It is also felt that more education is needed with regard to wearing a seat belt that takes seconds to fasten. So, next time you set off in your vehicle, remember to wear your seat belt, stick to the speed limit and always look, especially in your blind spot! Take care.